Saturday, June 10, 2006

Turnaround point on Paintbrush Canyon. I wasn't able to get as high as Holly Lake (about 8500 feet?), because the snow was thick and slushy, and because there was significant treefall. I didn't think I'd need the Yak Trax shoe ice/snow grippers today, so I was hiking with just the boots and one hiking pole. But the temp was in the 70s, and it felt extremely hot. The snowpack, however, was slushy on the top, and hard frozen a few inches deeper, because the previous day's slush would refreeze overnight. So, when walking in this snow, I squished through the top layer, soaking boots and socks, and then slip on the frozen underlayer. It was exhausting. That might have been doable for a while longer, but there was so much treefall, due to heavy snows this winter, that it seemed every 5 mintues I was navigating up and over some logjam or other. This one wasn't so bad, but seemed like a good breakpoint - and a dry place to sit! Posted by Picasa

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