Sunday, June 25, 2006

Calling All Landscapers.....

I've got a landscaping dilemma. When facing my house, the left side is horribly unbalanced with the right as far as visual landscaping action, flow, and color. I've solicited my mom for ideas, but if any gentle viewers (to borrow a phrase from a friend) have any suggestions on something not too maintenance-heavy to add some zing to the left side of the house, please suggest ideas via the comments button! Now, the tree in front of that window is a crabapple tree, and it becomes loaded with flowers in April. I understand the little berry things it's growing now turn red at some point, so that'll be a nice addition of color. Also, and I don't think you can see it well from here, there is a vine that should one day reach that willow trellis adjacent to the front porch. That vine is a firethorn and will, come autumn, have bright orange little berries visible. But, the next entry is the right side of my yard - it's a great little mishmash of plant life, colors, and undulating patterns (you may not be able to see the little 'hill' in the front right corner of the yard). But this side, it's got an english ivy that's just really slow to act, and some lilly of the valley that have already bloomed, all along the hitching post front fence. I don't know what that corner shrub will do - it's taking forever just to leaf out. So, any suggestions for adding a little visual punch here would be appreciated.


jkirlin said...

Gaze ball and a gnome, my friend. Gaze ball and a gnome....

pathfinder said...

Bring in more color. Get in some reds, yellows and violets...can't help you with plant names cos i don't knw many. Grow them in rows or'll put some life into the gdn.

By the way, i love your blog for the AMAZING pix that you take and the adventure that you bring! WOW!

Kristi Robison said...

Thanks to you both for comments! So, a red, yellow, or violet gaze ball, garden gnome, and clusters of flowering plants. OK!!