Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And now, for something completely different.....

That title really only works when read with John Cleese's voice in mind. So, I've decided to update the blog with some yard photos. Well, really, they're not even of the yard - they're more of a work and flower detail. This one I really like - it's part of a gerber daisy plant that I have in a planter along the front porch railing. It's interesting because this plant - one plant - has generated yellow, orange, and red gerber daisy flowers over the last few months. Almost prolifically so. I don't pretend to know enough about plants to understand how one can generate blooms of different colors other than to assume some fantastic genetic mutation has taken place. But this flower is intriguiging - it seems to be having a color identity crisis. Is it red, orange, or did it just become so flustered in its growth that it started off as orange or yellow even, only to mutate into a mottled reddish color? And hey - is that a worm right on the head!!!?

In an interesting tangent - I noticed fireflies in the yard tonite. How great. In Texas, they have pretty much become non-existant; driven out by fire ants. The fire ants are burrowers who feed on lightning bug larvae. Thank goodness there are no fire ants in Ohio. Mostly because the world could live without fire ants, but also because there should be a little flying lightning magic in everyone's yard. That the world could do with more of. As John Couger Mellancamp Cougar whatever he's called today says, "but my bed is in a small town, oh, and that's good enough for me."

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