Friday, August 03, 2007

Table of Friends

At this table, we've got Jerry (in yellow) and his wife Jackie, who I was able to meet during some previous project activity. We called Jerry and another annuitant, Wayne, out of retirement to join in on the project activities, and the two of them worked circles around many of us. Wayne wasn't able to make the Pig-nic, which was a shame, because it would have been a great Triple Threat reunion. Together, Jerry and Wayne (who have known eachother forever) were nicknamed on the project as "Double Trouble". I enjoyed them so much, when the three of us were together, others would call us "Triple Threat", and I felt like a 12-year old up to mischeif. It was this duo who bestowed the nickname of "Ramrod" upon me, which is no small feat in a male-oriented industry, during project activities, largely secured during field visits. I tried to spend a little time at each table - because each had new faces and names, as did this one, but this was definitely the most entertaining table at the event! They kept me in stitches (even still!).
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