Sunday, April 16, 2006

So, I had a long weekend. Since it's difficult to take a quick trip from here - requiring a 2 hour drive to an airport, then a few hours' flight, then a 5+ hour drive to my favorite locations out West, I decided to take a road trip. Except there were storms across the northeastern US. So I drove north to Ontario, Canada, and through that province eastward to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. I made a quick stop at the souvenir shop to pick up some sweets for the girls who were cat-sitting for me. I didn't think such a high cheese factor existed outside of Las Vegas. However, it does, and is very much alive in Niagara Falls. I didn't take any photos of the main tourist strip, because I didn't stop there - but it was filled with hard rock cafe, wax-museum, souvenir kitch gone mad. Posted by Picasa

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