Sunday, April 20, 2008

39 and counting

Today, I turn 39. Call the senility hotline. For some reason, I put my entire roll of Reynold's Wrap aluminum in the dishwasher. Of course I only realized this when unloading the dishwasher. Off to a great start!

ps - the roll of foil is fine, if damp - but the entire outer box lost its color and design. In case you were wondering.

I'm NOT senile after all! Turns out Jim put it in there, after being flustered while trying to find the real place for the foil - and in theory, I would have found it and chuckled. Oh, well!!


jkirlin said...

These are the typeso f stories that will keep you in the nursing home rather than released to you own care. Post with caution.

Anonymous said...

Good thing for you that you do not reveal that you don't buy toilet paper since - how do you put it - "you can get that for free at mcdonald's."

well, at least you know now how the foil wrap got into your dishwarsher.