Monday, October 29, 2007

My New Kitchen Commode.....

I picked up a commode this weekend, and put it in my kitchen. It's the old style that was basically a cupboard to contain ye olde chamberpot and such. But, I'm going to use it for something it was never Pet food, to be exact.

...playing with the sepia toning feature......

...and not.

My dog's food is stored in a nice, airtight container of thick plastic that my cat can't get to. I store cat food in the fridge crisper drawer, because my cat is an omnivore and can get to it if I place it in any cupboard, using child safety restraints, or even in plastic airtight containers. Unfortunately, I don't buy the volume of cat food that I do dog food, so I don't find it worth the effort to buy a large container like the one I keep the dog food in. Or have that much temptation on hand for Kathman. But - I just know he won't be able to pull open a drawer or turn the handle to unlatch the chamber pot door to get to his food in its airtight container.

So, it's in the Commode with the cat food - and even better that I now have a surface that is not my kitchen table to hold things like mail, keys, the occasional surprise flower bouquet from a friend, etc.

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