Sunday, February 18, 2007

Thank Heaven for Snow!

Earlier in February we got a little snow. A fellow Texan co-worker, Gary, and I made BIG plans to play outside at my place after work. It was to be a BIG deal. Hot chocolate, cookies, and snowman supplies - including non-toxic paint instead of coal for snowman eyes and buttons. And some Calvin and Hobbes classics for inspiration. Except this was only about 4 inches of snow, and it was super-fine powerdery stuff that would make talcum powder seem like grease. With this stuff, you couldn't even make a snowball. Of course all of our Ohio old-fuddy-duddy co-workers knew this, and rather than take delight in the fact that two adults were experiencing the joy and anticipation of 5-year-olds, many of our colleagues found it more enjoyable to piss on our anticipation. We were unstoppable in our plans, though. Snowman plans or no, by God, we were going to play in the snow. So we made a snow angel or two, and spent the rest of the time outside using a few garage implements to design patterns in the snow. Unfortunately, footprints got in the way. But the hot chocolate was DARN GOOD, anyhow.......dag nab-it!!

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