Monday, October 01, 2012

A Change in the Air

I've decided to reinstate the use of this blog primarily to keep the clutter of my thoughts and details free from friends' facebook feeds, but also as a way to chronicle a significant change for me.  I have decided to move to Wyoming!  Big thanks to Heather M. for the recommendation to return to blogging!

I haven't posted since I moved from Ohio to Texas, for a number of reasons.  Now, I am preparing to leave Houston for the nth time, but for a whole new adventure - and in a whole new direction.  I am moving to Wyoming as part of an experiment - call it my Winter 2012 challenge.  I want to winter in Wyoming prior to finalizing my decision to move there permanently.  I need to ensure I can handle those winters!  This has been an objective formulated over a number of years.  Wyoming is the one place - out of all of the places in the world that I've visited - where I feel continually compelled to return.  There is something in, or of, or about Wyoming that resonates in my soul.

My initial plan was to buy a home here, leave my job, begin consulting (and the requisite travel that entails), and live happily ever after.  But - what if I hate Wyoming in winter?  Fortunately, I have a number of friends there, and one of them has offered to rent his furnished home to me during this season to help me further determine if this is really what I want to do.  I am working on the other stuff - the consulting arena - but posts  in the meantime will be kept free of work related details.  (I have other blogs and social networks for that, if you're interested.)  I've downloaded an app to my phone that should allow me to post photos and short blog posts from the road, and I plan to re-engage in my passion for photography as well.

So, I hope you will enjoy my journey with me - haps and mishaps and everything in between!  I start driving on Wednesday, October 3.  That is the same day that the fire warning expires in tiny Hyattville, Wyoming.  It is also the last day of the growing season there, and the forecast is calling for the first snowfall as well.  I'll take those all as good omens!


Catherine said...

Brilliant plan! I'm looking forward to keeping up with the adventure!

Kristi Robison said...

Thanks, Catherine!! It has been an adventure in the making - and it's all accelerating so quickly this week. I love the excitement! I only hope I can keep up with my own life!