Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ice Storm.......woo hoo!

So, we've had a tiny recent ice storm. It was actually sleet, but on top of a thin layer of snow and ice. The problem was that the temp was 32, and the sleet had been coming down for hours. So, everything - I mean everything - was coated with ice. The hard part? 32 was to be the warmest temp for several days. It's Sunday, December 21st, the first official day of winter. Appropriately enough, the temp outside is 7, but with the wind - gusting up to 40 mph - the wind chill temp is between -15 and -20. But today, at least, it's half-assed sunny. The next time we move above the freezing point is Wednesday, on Christmas Eve, when we'll hit 40 -with rain. yay, wintertime in NW Ohio...

The hard part for some folks in town is tree deadfall and downed power lines. Fortunately I haven't experienced that yet - but as a backup plan, I can always walk to work a half mile away - and make coffee! Oh, and I'm all set with a ton of wood and a wood stove. At any rate, here are some photos of our ice, which is going to be around for a few more days -

For this one, I was outside, and though sheltered, still couldn't avoid the falling sleet.


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