Thursday, July 13, 2006

Kyle got everyone started on a flower-sniffing campaign one morning.... Posted by Picasa
Casey in the wildflower patch when the kids visited over July 4th. Posted by Picasa
There are a few isolated spots of lillies in the yard - some are yellow, yellow-orange, and now these pink-ish purple-ish ones. I think they look kind of sickly. I guess I should be surprised that they came up at all - earlier in the year, when I was eager to mow the grass (I'm over that), I ran over all of the lilly patches several times. Maybe they're blooming in mid-summer because they had to regrow throughout the spring! Posted by Picasa
Now, just a week or so there were only the flowering penta plants I had here. Out of nowhere this heart-shaped leafy vine started growing. I guess it's another late starter.  Posted by Picasa
Parting group shot en route back to the airport. Posted by Picasa
Cold sprinkler fun -... Posted by Picasa
...but after a minute or two, I think it became more fun than cold! Posted by Picasa
And, I don't know where he got this pose, but Kyle cracked everyone up with it. Posted by Picasa
Great photo cutouts at the Toledo Zoo. Kyle, Casey, and Mom..... Posted by Picasa
...and we took photos at every single one! Posted by Picasa
There were lots of these great cutout boards at the zoo.... Posted by Picasa
Siblings of the corn.....that doesn't have the same ring to it as..... Posted by Picasa
Children of the Corn!!! Posted by Picasa
Another playground visit..... Posted by Picasa
There was lots of playground time during our visit. Posted by Picasa