Sunday, March 05, 2006

This is the other wallpaper I'm thinking of. I don't like it so much. Posted by Picasa
Kathman doing a shower inspection. Posted by Picasa
The bedroom.  Posted by Picasa
Shot from the foot of hte bed looking out. Posted by Picasa
This is a walnut chest of drawers I picked up here in Findlay along with the little jewelry box on top. Each drawer locks, and I found the original skeleton key taped to the underside of a drawer.  Posted by Picasa
The entryway to the half-bath.... Posted by Picasa
This is probably the only house in all of Findlay in which a cat has his own private bathroom. With this wallpaper, what human would want to use it!!??. Notice how he hasn't touched the toilet paper roll in his room. Since I don't use this room maybe I should remove that... Posted by Picasa
Kathman enjoying a sit in the sink.... Posted by Picasa
The guest bed.  Posted by Picasa
Corner entertainment area. Really I just didn't have any wall spaces left for bookcases downstairs.  Posted by Picasa
This is the duvet over a chair in the guest room...this one is for the trundle bed underneath the daybed. Posted by Picasa
This is the window of the guest room. The drop leaf has been refinished, thanks to the carelessness of the packers last year who secured it with tape all around.  Posted by Picasa
East wall of the Camping Room. This holds the tents, some photos I probably won't hang, paperwork, etc. Posted by Picasa
Camping room, extra storage... Posted by Picasa
This is the west wall of the camping room. It's got all the camping gear minus the tents.  Posted by Picasa