Here is a bug zapper that I thought was my neighbor's. Turns out it's mine. The cord that leads to it, I found, is plugged in at an outdoor socket, but is severed where the flagstone walkway wraps around the east side of the deck.
What used to be a blog about experiencing the places and cultures of the world has morphed into one of living in my adopted home of Wyoming.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
From the entry of the sunroom facing northeast. Not sure what I'll do with the Chinese Palm when it's nice enough to spend a lot of time in and out. Right now it's ok blocking the door to the back deck. The door is narrow, and the cost of storm door in that size is astronomical, though it would be nice to open up that side of the room and protect it with a screen during spring (well, later in spring...).
I've moved my extrawide chair here because this long room is divided in half by the stairs. I use this side for reading and non-tv oriented decided to make it my little study. The chair is algined at a 45% angle from the otherwise rectantular room and gives a good viewpoint to the sunroom beyond.
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