Sunday, April 24, 2005

Dry day at the beach

Today, Matt and I headed to East Coast Park. We headed out mid-day via the MRT with day packs, cameras, skateboard, and toys in hand. But we did not bring water. Unfortunately, we miscalculated the walking distance from the Bedok train station and the East Coast Park. We started walking Eastward for what should have been one really long block followed by a short one, and then blue water. Instead it was a really long walk in the mid-day sun without a hint of shade. We had to cool down a bit before hitting the pathway for skateboarding and rental-bike riding. Oddly, we didn't enter the water today.....too many tanker ships and grey sheen over turquoise water, I guess. But it was a good windy day for those at the windsurfing park....

Lone Windsurfer Posted by Hello

These are windsufers at Singapore's East Coast Parks Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

This is a snapshot on the hike to Priekestolen (pulpit rock), in southwest Norway in Februrary. Posted by Hello


This is my first entry in my first blog. Bear with me...more nuggets coming soon.
Watch this space!