Wednesday, December 07, 2005

When driving in Amish Ohio, one must be especially aware of slow-moving traffic. Posted by Picasa
Besides a large Amish population, there are also lots of German settlements here. Reminds me, somewhat, of the Texas hill country. This is Heini's Cheese Chalet....almost looks out of place. Posted by Picasa
Elsewhere in Ohio's Amish country is the Smuckers farm. When I went by it was closed, but all decked out for the holidays. And I thought they were located in California! Must be confusing them with Knot's Berry Farm. Posted by Picasa
Here is a larger image of the Wooster courthouse. Really nice building but I am not sure I like the red brick building abutting it.... Posted by Picasa
One weekend I went into Amish country. Apparently there is a large Amish population in eastern Ohio. It is beautiful farm country and I had a cood crisp weekend to go exploring. I spent some time around Wooster, which had a great old courthouse. I have not seen column supports like this since visiting the Czech Republic, Slovakia, or Poland. Posted by Picasa
Well, I have not updated photos for a while, but I have been able to do a little exploring in Ohio outside of trips south to visit Mom and Dad. This shot was taken while driving, so it is blurry, but I really like it in a watercolor-y way. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New Look!

I have decided to try a new template. I like the color scheme much better....lots of greens!

In other news, I have been looking at homes in the Findlay area. Who would have guessed that I would move to, and buy a house in, Findlay. Not me, that's for sure, but it has been an interesting experience so far. The market is not very hot right now (neither are a lot of the selections), so if something falls through, I will likely just hop into an apartment. Would be nice to not live in a hotel for a bit.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Drive by shot of Indianapolis, IN from I-70 East. At 80 mph. Posted by Picasa
Patricia and I finishing up a liquid lunch. The photo is just a spot blurry, that has nothing to do with our consumption rate!! Posted by Picasa
Kyle as the Master of the Playground, hotwheel cars in hand.  Posted by Picasa
Kyle and I on a teeter totter. Thanks to Mil for snapping these shots, tho I think I need to make a return trip to get some more shots of Casey!! Posted by Picasa
Return to the USA. I had a weekend to go play with my niece and nephew, Casey and Kyle, at their new home and their neighborhood play areaa. Here I got to push them both on swings. It is amazing how easy it is to please kids when you can be ambidextrous for 15 minutes! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Last photo on my last weekend in Singapore. *sniff* I think the squint says it all. You can devise your own caption...... Posted by Picasa
I think Rose has just cracked a wry witticism here...they always get the best reactions! Posted by Picasa